Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Threat of Political Violence in Kenya

Here's an article I came across this morning by IRIN Africa News about the upcoming elections in Kenya. It is very sobering. Definitely a must-read.

From the article: "People need to be sensitized on national unity and, at the same time, given the skills to be able to address their grievances without necessarily finding comfort in their tribal groupings (italics mine)."

Another excerpt from the IRIN story: "I don’t know who will win the elections, but you can still be attacked, because politicians are already saying ‘our people must get this post or another’, but the poor people we live with here believe in what they say and will take their word for it."

And on the cover of today's Standard Newspaper:

Saturday Nation, December 8th, 2012

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. May we all use it wisely.

As always, Peace. Patrick

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